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Drain Cleaning Do’s And Don’ts

Written by William Heinselman | May 24 2013

When it comes to cleaning out your drains, you might think that it’s a simple idea. Well, it can be, but often times it’s not as simple as you might think. For instance, when you’re browsing the shelves at your local grocery store, you might find some commercial products that are advertised to clean out your drains. Do they work, or is there something far more insidious involved with them? Are there home remedies that work, or do you need a professional? And, can you fashion your own auger? There are some definite tips that you’ll need and some tips that you should just forget about.

What You Should Do

First off, you should make sure that you’ve done your homework on the topic. We know, we know—that’s why you’re here. But it’s terribly important. The wrong information in your hands (or even the right information in the wrong hands) can be devastating to your drainage system. Be sure that you know as much as you can about the process to make the job easier and safer for you and your drainage system.

You should also examine your drains to see what kind of pipes you have and how it’s set up. Not only can it help you determine what kind of clog you have, but it can assist you in choosing the right clearing method for your drain system. Choosing the wrong method can lead to some serious problems with your system and possibly a higher repair bill than just calling us for a cleaning.

You should also know what the methods for drain cleaning are. There are the chemical cleaners, baking soda and vinegar, boiling water flushes, plunging, and augering to name a few of them. Do you know what each does to your system and which method would work best for you? If you don’t, you can damage your pipes!

What You Shouldn’t Do

We can’t say this loudly enough: do not use chemical drain cleaners. While the foaming action and the pressure on the clog that they provide are exactly what you need to clear a clog from your drain, the chemicals can react with your pipes and create serious damages to your pipes, let alone the septic system and other parts of the drainage system. They’re effective but not safe—which is why they’re a no-no.

Another thing you shouldn’t do is jump right into the project without properly assessing the problem. Sometimes this only creates frustration (like using a plunger on a clog that has no effect), but other times it can lead to damage (like fashioning your own auger—which can destroy a toilet). Be sure that the method you’re using is safe and effective before digging into the project. You’ll be glad that you did!

If you determine that the clog is beyond your ability to handle, then you’ll want to be sure that you don’t attempt anything drastic. If you’re unable to do what needs done to get the clog free, you’re wasting your time and possibly causing yourself a bigger headache than you need to.

So How Do I Clean My Drain?

If you haven’t found a safe method that works, you’ll need to call professionals (like us). We have methods of clearing drains (including a clog in the main line) that you might not have easy access to. Not only that, but we’ve been doing this longer, meaning that we’ll get the job done faster than you can and you won’t have to expend that energy on it—leaving you free to get other projects done. If you’re in need of a drain cleaning, why not give us a call?